Lightheaded and Weak from Liquid Diet


-Heart racing (beating so fast like it's going to pop out of my chest)

-So dizzy, the whole room is spinning and it feels like this laptop keeps disappearing 

-White stuff on my tongue 

-So beyond weak, barely typing or holding a phone 

Called Dr at bariatric center, left VM, waiting for response 


Well the above was one of the hardest days I had this far. I have never felt that weak before and like I did not have control over my body. I drank a protein shake, and tried to calm down and drink ton of water - and got better. The doctor wanted to re-do my bloodwork just to make sure that everything was okay, and I actually did that today and hopefully she gets them before the surgery (since it is literally days away). 

If I could do it all over again, I would definitely DRINK my WATER! Also, I threw up several times by taking my vitamins in the morning, and to be honest, to avoid that I really did not take them diligently. If I could re-do my liquid diet, I would take my vitamins (I only take the one-a-day) every single day and would do it mid-day or at evening. 

Overall, I am proud of myself for getting through these 12 days and the remaining two are hopefully uneventful. 

During my pre-op surgical appt., I was down 14 lbs

Latest picture taken Feb. 2021 

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